Last night i decided to make toad in the hole as i've never made it before, and i never realised how easy it was! I've called it the cheesy name of toad and co. not because i think i'm really cool, but it has a few other things in it compared to the usual sausage batter mix. This makes 4 large portions.
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees. Half 6-8 large sausages or around 10 thinner ones. You do this by twisting the sausages (a bit like you're giving someone a chinese burn!) and then cutting the twist at the middle. This stops the sausage meat from bursting out. Put them on a deep roasting tray with a little oil.
Cook for around 25 mins, if you remember turn the sausages at 10-15 mins. I didn't, hence why the tops of them look black when it was cooked!
For the batter you need to wisk
450ml milk
3 eggs
110g flour
A pinch of Salt
until there are no lumps.
Take the sausage and veg out after the 25 mins, give it a stir as it will have probably stuck to the tray a bit. If you want to add peas or sweetcorn (which i shall do next time) put them in now. Pour the batter over all of it, so around 3/4 of it is covered >>>
Cook for at least another 20 mins, but it will probably need around half an hour, maybe more depending on how burnt you mind your sausages to be! You may want to turn the tray around half way through cooking so the batter rises on both sides.
Bon Appetit,
Melon xxx
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